
Orthodontic extractions: history and current trends

Within the UK, there remains a current trend towards fewer extractions to be prescribed compared to 10 years ago, reportedly driven by facial and smile aesthetics, as well as the increasing use of...

Management of Bilateral Horizontally Impacted and Dilacerated Maxillary Central Incisors at the Nasal Floor: A Multidisciplinary Specialist Approach

A 9-year-old girl was referred to a joint orthodontic–paediatric clinic for assessment of her impacted maxillary central incisors, and for advice on the comprehensive management of these teeth. The...

Management of Lower Incisor Extraction Cases. Part 1: Case Selection and Planning

This can present early in adolescence either with a severely displaced or excluded incisor, as shown in Figure 6. An incisor may also be associated with localized gingival recession. Extraction of two...

Unusual Case Report: Ectopic Canines, Resorption and Hypodontia in Monozygotic Twins

At age 14 years, Twin 1 was referred to the orthodontic department by his general dental practitioner (GDP) for the impacted UR3, retained LRE and non-vital UL2. Medically, he was fit and well,...

Does Orthodontic Treatment Provide Long-term Improvements in Patients' Self-esteem and Oral Health-related Quality of Life? A Literature Review

Objective clinician-based assessment of treatment need and outcome are being increasingly supplemented with subjective patient-based measures, which afford greater understanding of patient...

Clinical Psychology and its role in the Orthognathic Surgical Pathway

Clinical psychology is a branch of psychology that assesses, identifies and treats a wide range of mental and physical health problems, including addiction, anxiety, depression, learning difficulties...

Orthodontic-induced Temporary Sensory Nerve Deficit of the Lower Lip

Sixteen previous cases of sensory nerve symptoms during orthodontic treatment have been reported (Table 1). These have involved patients aged between 12 and 57 years, with 10 females, five males and...

Diagnostic Dilemmas: Case Presentation

The patient was referred by a specialist orthodontist regarding concerns relating to developmentally absent maxillary lateral incisors and an impacted lower left second premolar (LL5). The patient...

Run-through training: a trainee and trainer perspective

Working and living in an area over an extended period of time helps strengthen professional and personal ties to that area. Run-through training may help with retention of workforce, which may be of...

The continued development of multiple supernumerary teeth: do they influence orthodontic treatment?

The impact of supernumeraries on the dentition is variable. They may have no effect and may only be picked up as an incidental finding on a radiograph. Conversely, supernumeraries may affect the...

Shark teeth: a case of multiple supernumerary teeth

A 44-year-old male was referred into the Orthodontic Department of the University Dental Hospital of Manchester, complaining of pain from his heavily restored lower right second premolar (LR5). His...

Missing lateral incisors: implant-related dilemmas

The main treatment options for missing lateral incisors are listed in Table 1. A systematic review found no evidence in favour of one treatment option over another.12 Several factors influence...

Misbehaving mandibular canines

Successful orthodontic treatment requires an accurate definitive diagnosis. This can be achieved with verbal history-taking, a thorough oral examination and relevant special investigations, including...

A review of the eating disorders literature with reference to dentistry

Eating disorders have a complex aetiology and often appear to be the result of an interaction between biological, sociocultural and psychological or cognitive factors. Consequently, influences from...

History of interceptive orthodontics

Interceptive orthodontics is not a new idea. Archeological data show that Egyptian mummies had crude metal bands wrapped around individual teeth. It is speculated that, with the help of catgut,...