Andrew Shelton

Consultant Orthodontist, Montagu Hospital, Doncaster S64 OAZ


The solution: the patient's concerns addressed

Conflict of Interest: The author declares that he has no conflict of interest. Informed Consent: Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the article..

Missing lateral incisors: implant-related dilemmas

The main treatment options for missing lateral incisors are listed in Table 1. A systematic review found no evidence in favour of one treatment option over another.12 Several factors influence...

Endogenous Tongue Thrust – Myth?

A 28-year-old female, HM, presented for an orthodontic consultation with concerns about the appearance of her front teeth. She did not like her smile arc or the gap between her upper and lower front...

Patient Questionnaires in Orthodontics

Questionnaires can be used in research, quality improvement or to gather clinical data. They are tools for collecting data, rather than a specific methodology, so can be used in a diverse range of...

Social Media and Orthodontics

Recent years have seen an explosion in the use of social media platforms for the purpose of marketing. As well as the well-established platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, there are newer entrants...