
Crossbite is a condition presenting with one or more teeth abnormally malposed buccally/labially or lingually/palatally with reference to the opposite tooth or teeth. Various techniques have been used to correct crossbite.1 Cross-arch elastics have been used to correct isolated first permanent molar crossbites.2 This Trick of the trade describes a simple hook that can be fabricated chairside and used to engage the cross elastics on the lingual/palatal surface of the molar via the lingual sheath.

Tug the tag into the lingual sheath (Figure 5), secure using a ligature wire and engage the cross elastics.

Clinical application
A single molar scissor bite or a crossbite can be corrected using this simple hook. A clinical scenario showing the use of the zebra hook is shown in Figure 6.

Diagrammatic representations of the hook are shown for clarity and ease of clinical application. Figure 7 represents upper right molar in crossbite, wherein, elastic has been tugged into the zebra hook inserted into the lingual sheath of the upper molar and hooked into the bracket arm of the lower molar. Figure 8 represents upper molar in slight scissors bite, wherein the elastic has been tugged into the zebra hook inserted into the lingual sheath of the lower molar and hooked into the bracket arm of the upper molar.

Compliance with Ethical Standards
Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Informed Consent: Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the article.