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Ethical dilemmas in orthodontics

From Volume 12, Issue 2, April 2019 | Pages 46-52


Angus J Burns

Consultant and Senior Lecturer, Division of Child and Public Dental Health, Dublin Dental University Hospital, Ireland

Articles by Angus J Burns


Those practising orthodontics frequently face ethical dilemmas. This article seeks to explore dilemmas, which the authors consider arise often in the field of orthodontics. The emphasis is on best practice, evidence-based practice and prioritizing patients' interests.

CPD/Clinical Relevance: The intention of this article is to encourage thought and debate regarding everyday orthodontic decision-making.


As with any area of dentistry or medicine, those practising orthodontics can frequently be confronted by ethical dilemmas. The elective nature of much orthodontic treatment increases the occurrence of these ethical conundrums. This article seeks to explore dilemmas, which the authors consider arise often in the field of orthodontics. It is not intended to be a guidelines document on standards, but rather encourage thought and debate regarding everyday orthodontic decision-making. The emphasis is on best practice, placing patients' interests first and, where possible, to be evidence-based. Each dilemma is investigated separately and an opinion is then offered. The layout has been chosen to allow the reader to scan though the paper finding some dilemmas that are interesting or useful and provides a structured way of approaching them.

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