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Craniofacial microsomia: management and outcomes. Part 2

From Volume 15, Issue 4, October 2022 | Pages 183-192


Clara Gibson

BDentSc, MJDF RCS(Eng), MClin Dent, MOrth RCS(Eng)

Orthodontic Registrar, Department of Orthodontics, Eastman Dental Hospital, 256 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1X 8LD, UK

Articles by Clara Gibson

Suhaym Mubeen


Specialist Registrar in Orthodontics, Royal Surrey County Hospital, Egerton Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XX, UK

Articles by Suhaym Mubeen

Robert Evans

MScD, FDS RCS(Eng), MOrth RCS(Ed)

MScD, M Orth RCS (Ed), FDS RCS (Ed)

Articles by Robert Evans


Craniofacial microsomia (CFM) is a congenital facial condition that affects the structures derived from the first and second pharyngeal arches. It results in underdevelopment of facial structures, most commonly causing abnormal mandibular growth and morphology. Part 1 of this two-part series outlined the aetiology, classification systems and clinical features of CFM. In this article, we explore the management pathway and treatment approaches that may be undertaken. We highlight the dental and orthodontic involvement in managing patients with CFM.

CPD/Clinical Relevance: For patients with CFM, having an understanding of the overall facial and dental management helps the clinician to plan for dental and orthodontic care.


CFM is a complex three-dimensional deformity that requires an ongoing multidisciplinary approach in its management. Owing to the heterogeneity of the phenotype of facial asymmetry and varying levels of soft tissue deficiency, each patient's management pathway is highly individualized in relation to the extent of involvement of each organ.

Management and the timing of interventions are based on the severity of the case, limitation to function, patient and aesthetic concerns and psychosocial concerns. Functional issues may include problems with the airway, vision, hearing, and speech, feeding, swallowing and growth, oral health, mastication and occlusion and psychosocial, as indicated by the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement tool.1

The multidisciplinary requirement of care necessitates that patients are managed in secondary or tertiary care centres. Comprehensive management requires the involvement of plastic surgery, ear nose and throat surgeons, clinical psychologists, audiologists, speech and language therapists, ophthalmologists, craniofacial surgeons, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, orthodontics, paediatric dentists, and restorative dentists (Table 1).

Age (years) General paediatrics ENT Maxillofacial and plastic surgery Dental Orthodontics Speech, audiology and ophthalmology Psychology Genetics
Neonatal Investigate other organ involvement General health and wellbeing: feeding, respiration, cardiac, growth etc Management of airway Tracheostomy as required Hearing assessment Eye assessment Counselling and support for parents Genetic evaluation Advice for parents
0–3 General health and wellbeing Ensure meeting growth milestones Management of comorbidities Management of airway Sleep study Tympanoplasty tubes DO for airway and tracheostomy decannulation Macrosomia repair Management of cleft palate Removal of ear tags General dental advice to parents Acclimatization to dental setting, oral hygiene brushing advice Monitor primary dentition Advice and reassurance about long-term plan Hearing assessment Eye assessment Speech assessment Counselling and support for parents As required
4–9 General health and wellbeing Ensure meeting growth milestones Sleep study and management of OSA DO Planning ear reconstruction CCG placement Monitor developing dentition Oral hygiene advice Ensure adequate brushing aids if access limited Liaise with maxillofacial if DO planned Interceptive treatment as required Hearing assessment Eye assessment Speech assessment Counselling and support for parents Discussion with patient to assist with school years As required
10–15 General health and wellbeing Planning definitive management: surgical asymmetry correction or orthognathic +/- joint prosthesis Caries management Cosmetic improvement for microdont/missing units Functional appliance Orthodontic treatment of malocclusion in mild cases Decompensation and coordination for orthognathic surgery As required Counselling and support for parents Counselling and support for patient Aid in decision making for orthognathic surgery and any other procedures As required
16–adulthood Definitive hard tissue surgery Soft tissue procedures for asymmetry correction Rhinoplasty, genioplasty Definitive replacement of missing teeth with implants or bridges Orthodontic treatment as required As required Counselling and support for patient Aid in decision making for future surgeries Genetic counselling and advice for patient

Early management after birth

Following birth, it is necessary to rule out Goldenhar syndrome or other organ involvement. In the early years, the priority is maintenance of a patent airway and ensuring adequate development of feeding, hearing, speech development and vision.

If the airway is restricted due to severe micrognathia, early distraction osteogenesis (from neonate to age 4–5 years) to lengthen the mandible may be considered as a means to increase the posterior upper airway space.2 First described by Ilizarov et al,3 distraction osteogenesis is a technique to induce new bone formation by slowly separating two surgically separated segments of bone with a slow and gradual force of traction. Research has shown that this may avoid the requirement for a tracheostomy or facilitate successful decannulation.4

Clinical management

It is useful to outline the management of patients with CFM by following the OMENS acronym.

Orbital involvement

The orbital size and position may be normal or with varying degrees of abnormality. The eyes may be affected with epibulbar dermoids (growth on the sclera) and necessitate ophthalmology involvement. If the facial nerve is affected, it is important to ensure adequate corneal lubrication owing to the risk of exposure keratitis of the cornea.

Orbital dystopia (orbits not on same horizontal plane) may be surgically corrected once orbital growth is complete, generally after the age of 4 years. This is usually reserved for cases with severe asymmetry. This may involve a circumferential box osteotomy, often combined with cranial surgery, if required. For patients who require orbital expansion, the use of balloons or orbital distraction may be necessary.


The severity of ear involvement may range from unaffected to anotia (absence of the outer ear with narrowing or absence of the ear canal), with malformations involving the external, middle or inner ear. Patients may have varying degrees of hypoplasia/absence of external auditory canal (aural atresia), external ear (auricle) or concha. Patients with CFM should undergo a hearing evaluation within the first 6 months of life, in addition to the newborn hearing screen. Hearing impairments may be conductive or sensorineural. Conductive hearing impairments occur when sound cannot adequately reach in the inner ear, due to hypoplastic or absent ossicles or aural atresia. Hearing aids or bone-anchored hearing aids (BAHA) are effective in these patients. A CT scan can help indicate whether there is likely to be an improvement in hearing following atresial repair. Sensorineural hearing loss is seen less commonly, with one study indicating that 10% of CFM patients are affected, in comparison to 86% with conductive hearing loss.5 Sensorineural hearing loss is due to abnormalities in the inner ear or cochlea or with the vestibulocochlear nerve.

Ear reshaping or reconstruction is managed on an individual patient basis. Removal of ear remnants and pre-auricular tags may be carried out at an early stage. Patients with more pronounced involvement of the ear might require a prosthesis or reconstruction, using autologous or synthetic materials. Autologous reconstruction is generally carried out as a two-stage procedure (Figure 1). Rib cartilage is harvested once the patient has reached a sufficient chest circumference, generally from age 10 years onwards. It is important to consider the aesthetic implications of any future jaw surgery when planning the final ear position.

Figure 1. (a) Autologous ear reconstruction; pre-treatment. (b) Cartilage framework. (c) Post-treatment. Images and case courtesy of Mr Neil Bulstrode.

Nerve involvement

CFM may affect the trigeminal, facial and hypoglossal nerves, with a wide variety of nerve presentations. It is thought that dysmorphogenesis of the temporal bone and the resulting effects on the facial nerve are the cause of facial weakness; however, this has not been conclusively determined, with uncertainty still present over whether there is facial nerve dysfunction or facial muscle weakness.6 Facial reanimation may be considered in addition to functional muscle transfer or a muscular free flap. Ideally these procedures are performed following any craniofacial, ear or orthognathic surgery.

Soft tissue

The soft tissue deficiency is graded using the OMENS classification from 0–3, ranging from no obvious deficiency up to severe tissue hypoplasia. This may affect the musculature, skin and subcutaneous fat. In addition, the presence of a facial cleft or macrostomia (enlargement of the mouth at the oral commissures) will lead to a tissue deficit. Macrostomia repair and facial tag removal is generally carried out within the first year. It is preferable to delay other soft tissue procedures until after definitive bony reconstructive surgery or orthognathic surgery, such that the final bone framework and support for the soft tissue is established. Microvascular free flap surgery can be used to increase soft tissue bulk, although this is not frequently carried out. Adipofascial free flaps can provide a large amount of soft tissue in a single surgery.7 Donor sites may include free groin, anterolateral thigh or medial sural artery perforator.8

If the patient has aesthetic facial concerns prior to definitive skeletal surgery, then autologous fat transfer may be a solution to camouflage the facial tissue deficit and asymmetry.9 This procedure may require repeating due to a tendency for resorption of some of the grafting fat tissue; however, it provides a useful, less-invasive alternative to microvascular free tissue transfer.10

For patients presenting with a mild soft tissue deficit, consideration could be given to a mandibular body augmentation using a porous polyethylene (PPE) implant, instead of an autograft.

General dental management

Patients require close dental monitoring and robust preventive care. Patients may be at risk of caries if mouth opening and access for cleaning is restricted. Patients who are fed by gastrostomy may have limited oral intake, but will still require dental monitoring to ensure oral hygiene remains satisfactory and calculus deposits removed. It may be necessary to undertake dental treatment when undergoing general anaesthesia for other procedures, such as ear reconstruction.


Management of the mandible varies considerably between patients and even between treatment centres. Therefore, surgical and orthodontic involvement is tailored to the specific needs of each patient and depends on the age, skeletal maturity of the patient and severity of deformity.

The majority of surgical correction is carried out after growth has completed. There are instances where surgery before completion of growth may be indicated, such as to minimize secondary deformities due to restricted growth of adjacent structures, or for aesthetic or functional concerns.

The four treatment objectives proposed by Kaban et al11 are useful foundations from which to consider surgical and orthodontic correction:

  • Increasing the size of the mandible and its associated soft tissue;
  • Reconstruction of the TMJ, if required;
  • Vertical maxillary growth;
  • Creation of a stable occlusion.
  • Pruzansky–Kaban Type I and IIa mandibles

    Kaban et al advised early treatment in the mixed dentition (ages 7–11 years), to keep the mandible in a low and forward position, producing mandibular elongation, preventing maxillary canting and thus preventing dento-alveolar compensation.11 As Type I and IIa patients have a functioning TMJ, the use of orthodontic functional appliances may be beneficial (Figure 2).12 A postured bite is recorded to the correct overjet with centrelines aligned. It may be necessary to tailor the design of the functional appliance to each case. In Figure 2, the patient required more eruption in the right posterior maxillary region. Therefore, no acrylic capping was placed on the right side in the upper functional appliance and instead buttons and elastics were used to facilitate eruption of these teeth, to level a pre-existing cant.

    Figure 2. (a–c) Hybrid functional appliance for bite plane eruption guidance.

    Early osteotomies in the growing child to ‘keep pace with vertical midface growth’ were historically carried out; however, they are no longer routine.13 Some papers do suggest early intervention (before skeletal maturation and/or the permanent dentition) to prevent a maxillary cant forming, ‘orthopaedic treatment to stimulate mandibular growth,’ such as vertical mandibular elongation in Type I, IIa mandibles.14,15 However, the role of distraction osteogenesis in these cases remains controversial.16 The consensus emerging is that there is no requirement for it in patients with mild mandibular involvement (Type I, IIa) and that a conventional orthognathic approach, after completion of growth, is preferred.2

    Type I and IIa mandibles are comprehensively managed after completion of skeletal growth.17 The temporomandibular joint is developed sufficiently such that no joint procedures are generally required. Mild Type I cases may not require any mandibular intervention and orthodontic alignment alone may be adequate. More severe cases may require orthognathic surgery to correct the occlusal disturbance, within the limits of the available bone (Figures 3 and 4). Orthodontic treatment is required for decompensation and arch coordination prior to surgery. A maxillary cant may arise during growth owing to the unilaterally constricted mandibular growth; comprehensive cant correction would require a bimaxillary osteotomy. A sliding genioplasty may be considered in addition, to improve symmetry. Combined orthodontic and orthognathic surgery can produce good results with soft tissue augmentation procedures for aesthetic improvement (Figure 5).

    Figure 3. CFM patient pre-operative imaging. (a) Frontal view. (b) Left profile. (c) Right profile. (d) Intra-oral showing canting of both arches. (e) Pre-treatment occlusion. (f) Pre-treatment occlusion. (g) Levelling of arches following pre-operative orthodontic treatment.
    Figure 4. Post-operative bimaxillary osteotomy with asymmetric maxillary impaction for cant correction, mandibular advancement, malar implant on right side. (a) Frontal view at rest. (b) Frontal view smiling. (c–e) Post-operative occlusion.
    Figure 5. Post-operative views following custom-made right polyetheretherketone (PEEK) implant. (a) Frontal view. (b) Side view. (c) Intra-oral view following dental rehabilitation.

    Type IIb and III

    Patients with Type IIb and III classifications have more pronounced mandibular involvement and often require a multi-staged treatment approach, involving a series of surgical procedures as the patient grows.18 These patients have a non-functional or absent TMJ, so the use of a functional appliance is not appropriate. Patients in these categories will require reconstruction of the ramus and TMJ. A costochondral graft (CCG) has been the preferred approach in growing patients (Figure 6). It facilitates mandibular reconstruction and, due to its inherent growth potential, it has the ability to grow as the patient grows. Research and clinical practice indicate that this is not always borne out, however, with unpredictable graft growth.17,19 They can overgrow, grow too little or exhibit no useful growth. In addition, ankylosis at the TMJ area may occur.

    Figure 6. Costochondral graft for joint replacement viewed on OPG.

    Lengthening the mandible by placing a CCG will lead to an open bite, which can be used to help prevent secondary maxillary canting if eruption guidance is used during the mixed dentition.11,19 A removable or fixed bite plane is used to encourage eruption of the teeth in a controlled manner to resolve a maxillary cant or prevent the formation of one (Figure 2). Once the permanent teeth have erupted, it is more difficult to level the occlusal plane using eruption, as dental extrusion would be unstable.

    Early distraction osteogenesis (age 5–12 years, before the permanent dentition is established and before skeletal maturity) was a common treatment modality for hard and soft tissue enhancement. In cases with mandibular Type IIb and III, distraction osteogenesis provides the ability to stretch the soft tissue, facilitating later surgery. However, distracting a severely hypoplastic mandibular proximal segment can be problematic due to the lack of a stable posterior joint to act as a foundation for the movement. In addition, evidence that this procedure is stable is somewhat lacking with research now showing that there is no significant long-term advantage to early vertical mandible distraction.16,17,20,21 It also will not correct canting of the occlusal plane, nor achieve three-dimensional facial and occlusal asymmetry and thus, a bimaxillary osteotomy is often still required.21 It is now considered that early distraction osteogenesis may be no more beneficial than reconstruction of the TMJ joint with a graft and adjunctive soft tissue procedures.2 In addition, conventional orthognathic surgery is more predictable than distraction osteogenesis, once adequate bone levels are available. It is also not reliant on patient compliance and produces no visible scarring. However, for patients with no maxillary compensatory cant, who require unilateral mandibular lengthening, distraction can offer a favourable outcome (Figure 7).

    Figure 7. (a) Pre-operative distraction osteogenesis facial view. (b) Pre-operative distraction osteogenesis OPG. (c) OPG during active distraction of mandible. (d) Post-operative distraction osteogenesis for mandibular lengthening facial view. (e) Post-operative distraction osteogenesis OPG.

    Orthognathic surgery and a prosthetic joint replacement are carried out towards the end of the adolescent growth phase. A bimaxillary osteotomy is required if a maxillary cant is present. Wolford describes the use of a bimaxillary osteotomy with mandibular advancement with a patient-fitted total joint prosthesis on the affected side and contralateral ramus bilateral sagittal split osteotomy in an anticlockwise direction.22 3D planning can help to determine extent of osteotomy movement and vectors, and ensure that there is a custom-made joint to fit.23

    A prosthetic TMJ is a predictable solution in the non-growing patient for long-term management (Figure 8). Their use is not recommended in growing patients because they do not adapt to facial growth. However, similar to other joint prosthesis, the lifespan of a replacement TMJ joint is finite and thus, the patient and family must be counselled accordingly (Table 2).

    Figure 8. Prosthetic TMJ replacement viewed with CT imaging.

    Costochondral graft Prosthetic joint
    Advantages Autologous tissueCan be carried out earlier, during growth, to promote jaw growth at the patient's own rate Improves aesthetics and function at early stage, in mixed dentition Can help prevent secondary deformity such as maxillary cant Custom-made for ideal fit, CAD/CAM technology can facilitate treatment planning and manufactureCan be placed during orthognathic surgery to account for planned BSSO movementLikely to restore goodTMJ function
    Disadvantages Can overgrow, undergrow or ankyloseMay not restore adequateTMJ functionNot likely to fully restore facial asymmetry and a balanced occlusionSecond surgical site and scar Long-term solution, but may require replacement during patients' lifetimeDoes not grow with the patient, so placing too early is not advised

    A systematic review found that patients with mandible Types IIa, IIb and III had commonly undergone previous procedures (distraction osteogenesis, CCG, tibia graft, sternoclavicular graft), whereas those with Type I often just had one surgical procedure for asymmetry correction.24 Van de Lande et al concluded that it is preferable to delay mandibular reconstruction until at least the permanent dentition is established, or ideally skeletal maturity achieved, once there are no functional or psychological problems.24 This is in agreement with a 2014 systematic review18 and a review by Mommaerts and Nagi.16

    Successful outcomes are linked with the severity of the case, with Type I and IIa showing minimal relapse and minimal increase in asymmetry.18

    Adjunctive procedures

    Following definitive hard tissue surgery, consideration may be given to carrying out adjunctive soft tissue procedures to improve facial balance and symmetry. This may include fat transfer grafting, malar implants, rhinoplasty, genioplasty and nerve reanimation. Patient opinion and case severity will dictate the requirement for any additional procedures.


    Restoration of the dental occlusion may be required once hard tissue surgery is complete. Mild cases of CFM may achieve a favourable post-operative occlusal result and require minimal post-operative orthodontic treatment. Regular post-orthognathic orthodontic management may suffice. When using orthodontic elastics to improve occlusal setting, care must be taken to prevent relapse especially if a CCG is present instead of a solid functioning TMJ.

    More complex cases of CFM may require intervention from a restorative dental team, to facilitate replacement of the missing dental units (Figure 4). Adjunctive alveolar bone grafting may be necessary to enable dental implant replacement of the posterior dentition, if absent (Figure 5). Consideration may be given to the use of zygomatic implants should the alveolar bone supply be insufficient.

    Clinical outcomes

    The clinical variation and plethora of specialities involved in care makes an assessment of the outcomes challenging.

    Craniofacial microsomia is one of the conditions for which the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOMS) has developed a standard set of outcome measures. These focus on outcomes that matter most to patients and they are involved in clearly defining these outcomes. The outcomes aim to capture symptom burden, functional status and health-related quality of life. Meaningful global comparisons are enabled by the comparison of risk factors and collection of data. By creating a standardized way for inter-unit comparison it aims to improve performance, resulting in superior outcomes. Certain healthcare systems avail of these outcomes to inform value-based payment.

    Outcome data is collected at specific timepoints at the ages of 2, 5, 8, 12 years and early adulthood (18–22 years). Measures are broad, encompassing psychometrics, sociometrics, health-related quality of life, family stress, behaviour/anxiety/depression/post-traumatic stress disorder, airway and breathing, feeding and swallowing, hearing, vision, speech, mastication and occlusion, oral health, appearance and burden of care. Selected outcomes of relevance to dentistry, orthodontics and oral and maxillofacial surgery are highlighted in Table 3.

    Quality measure Question Patient age (years) Reporter
    Health-related quality of life Having trouble finding a doctor or dentist to help with my treatment who is close to where I live 12, 22 Patient/parent
    Missing out on school because of being at the hospital or at appointments 12, 22 Patient/parent
    Airway and breathing Has your child/have you required surgery on their/your jaw for their/your airway? 2, 5, 8, 12, 22 Patient/parent
    Oral health Indicate the number of decayed deciduous (paediatric) teeth 5, 12 Clinician
    Indicate the number of missing deciduous (paediatric) teeth 5, 12 Clinician
    Indicate the number of filled deciduous (paediatric) teeth 5, 12 Clinician
    Dental health Choose the answer the best describes you in the past 3 months:
    Have you had pain in your teeth (toothache)? 12, 22 Patient/parent
    Have you had discoloured teeth or spots on your teeth? 12, 22 Patient/parent
    Have you had crooked teeth or spaces between your teeth? 12, 22 Patient/parent
    Have you had bad breath? 12, 22 Patient/parent
    Have you had bleeding gums? 12, 22 Patient/parent
    Appearance (graphic supplied to aid clinician reporting) Occlusal plane right 5, 8, 12, 22 Clinician
    Occlusal plane left 5, 8, 12, 22 Clinician
    Chin point right 5, 8, 12, 22 Clinician
    Chin point left 5, 8, 12, 22 Clinician
    Mandible right 5, 8, 12, 22 Clinician
    Mandible left 5, 8, 12, 22 Clinician

    The burden of care on patients can be significant with multiple appointments with various specialists, even when multidisciplinary models of care are used. This is addressed in the ICHOMS model, with specific reference to the ability of a patient to easily access dental care.


    General and comprehensive dental care is a prerequisite at all stages of the patient journey. In order to support possibly lengthy orthodontic treatment and orthognathic surgery, the patient must have optimal oral and dental health, and be able to maintain a caries-free dentition. Early involvement with a paediatric dentist will help with acclimatization and build a positive dental relationship. The will help reduce the burden of care by eliminating the need for caries management under local or general anaesthetic. The restorative dentist has a pivotal role at the end of the patient's treatment as they are tasked with the final restorations and replacement of missing units. Many patients will see this as the last essential stage of their treatment plan. CFM management is truly is multidisciplinary team approach and we have outlined an overview of clinical management, but with optimal team and patient engagement, the outcomes can be very satisfactory.