Book review

From Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2011 | Page 27


Joy Petrie

Orthodontic Therapist, Victoria Hospital

Articles by Joy Petrie


Basic Guide to Orthodontic Dental Nursing

The aim of this book is to guide and inform dental nurses who have little or no experience in the practice of orthodontics and hence would be suitable for general dental nurses, trainee dental nurses who are actively assisting in an orthodontic department, those in a specialist practice or those who work with a visiting orthodontist in general practice.

On the positive side; the book is divided into 27 easy-to-read chapters, which range from attending your first appointment, through to describing malocclusions, fitting a removable, fixed or functional appliance (including a step-by-step guide of what a dental nurse would need to prepare for each appointment), and ending with a section on adult orthodontics, including information on lingual brackets.

The Glossary of Terms is a welcome useful addition to those who are unfamiliar with the terminology.

There is also a very interesting chapter with photographs and a description of the most commonly used instruments and auxiliaries used in orthodontics.

Chapter 16 on Ectopic Canines is particularly useful as it describes their aetiology, while radiographs may be used to detect the position of the canines, and concludes by describing what treatment may be involved.

There are, however, two significant negative points that should be mentioned.

  • The diagrams of Class I, II, III incisor classification on pages 3 and 18 are inverted, which is, at the very least, confusing.
  • There are photographs of instruments used in orthodontics, which have identification bands on them. Current Cross-Infection Guidelines in many Health Boards, however, state that identification bands should not be used (pp 123, 124, 131, 145, 153, 175, 177, 239).
  • This book should not be confused with previously published books that help and guide dental nurses who are studying for the post qualification in Orthodontics. This publication is just exactly what it states in the title.