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Restorative management of the cleft patient: CLP series part 10 Dental Update 2025 7:2, 707-709.
This article describes the role of the restorative dentist in the multidisciplinary management of cleft lip and palate patients. The various clinical presentations and restorative challenges are outlined. The restorative treatment of cleft patients requires the use of a wide range of different clinical skills and techniques to achieve oral rehabilitation. The various treatment modalities are described and range from minimally invasive adhesive techniques to conventional fixed and removable prosthodontics, obturators and the use of dental implants. The eventual restorative outcomes are related to the initial severity of the defect and the degree of success of the previous surgical and orthodontic interventions.
Clinical Relevance: This article will be of interest to clinicians, technicians, dental care professionals and other members of the team who are involved in the oral rehabilitation of cleft patients.
Cleft lip and palate (CLP) is the most common congenital craniofacial anomaly. It has an overall incidence of 1 in 700 live births1 and has a multi-factorial aetiology. A multidisciplinary team (MDT) is involved in the management of a cleft patient, and can include an orthodontist, ear, nose and throat specialist, maxillofacial/plastic surgeon, speech therapist, clinical psychologist, paediatric dentist and a restorative dentist. This article will discuss the role of the restorative dental specialist in the management of this challenging group of patients. The restorative management of these patients during the deciduous and mixed dentition phases will not be discussed in this article.
Cleft patients comprise a heterogeneous group of patients, which have been treated in a variety of different ways over the decades, often with less than satisfactory results.2 The treatment of cleft lip and palate patients has improved dramatically over recent years, with modern multidisciplinary management giving the best chance of a good outcome for these patients. Patients with CLP may present with a number of diverse and challenging problems related to:
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