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Orthodontic debonding: methods, risks and future developments Samantha Brooke Stewart Colin P Chambers Jonathon R Sandy Bo Su Anthony Ireland Dental Update 2025 7:1, 707-709.
Samantha BrookeStewart
Orthodontic STR, Orthodontic Department, Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton, UK
The ultimate aims for any clinician at orthodontic debond, following the attainment of a good occlusal result, are to remove all of the attachments, along with the bonding/banding material, as atraumatically as possible whilst minimizing the risks to the operator, assistant and patient during the whole process. This paper reviews the process of debonding following a course of orthodontic fixed appliance therapy, from bracket/band removal through to enamel clean-up. In particular, the risks to both the patient and operator are described at all stages. Future developments are discussed that might help reduce such risks.
Clinical Relevance: Returning the tooth, following orthodontic treatment, to its pretreatment condition is as important as the orthodontic treatment itself. The process of debonding is not without risk and it is vital that all clinicians are aware of these risks, but also what they can do to minimize them as much as possible.
The ultimate aims for any clinician at orthodontic debond, following the attainment of a good occlusal result, are to remove all of the attachments, along with the bonding/banding material, as atraumatically as possible to minimize damage to the enamel surface, returning it to its pretreatment condition and, finally, to minimize the risks to the operator, assistant and patient during the whole process. Each of these aims will be discussed in turn, with an emphasis on the removal of ceramic brackets, where the risks are perhaps greatest and where future developments might help reduce such risks.
Force to debond vs bond strength
Unlike many other aspects of dentistry, where appliances are placed in the expectation that they will remain in place for perhaps 20 years or more, in orthodontics appliances need to remain in place for approximately two years, following which they should be easy to remove and the enamel should be returned to its pretreatment condition. This requires knowledge of the maximum force(s) the appliance is likely to be subjected to during treatment, from the patient, the operator and the appliance itself and, in addition, the minimum force necessary for its atraumatic removal at completion.
A review by Reynolds1 (cited by Whitlock et al)2 suggested that the minimum shear bond strength for successful clinical use was 6 to 8 MPa. However, bond strength is often inappropriately applied in the context of orthodontic bonding/debonding. In order to determine the bond strength (MPa), it is necessary to know the force to debond (N) and the true bonding area of the bracket base, not the nominal area often quoted by manufacturers. The true bracket base area is virtually impossible to determine because of the complex geometry of the bonding base.
To date we still do not know the optimal bond strength necessary for sustained clinical use and yet easy debond at the end of treatment.
Despite the limitations of the laboratory bond tests, there is a large body of work on the subject from which inferences can be made with some caution. The removal of metal, polymeric and ceramic brackets will now be discussed.
Locus of bond failure
The attachment of any fixed appliance comprises three components, the bracket/band, the bonding/banding agent and the enamel. In order to remove the appliance at the end of treatment this attachment must be dismantled by the application of a force. This force leads to the introduction of stresses within the system that will be concentrated in specific areas, leading to crack propagation and ultimate failure of the attachment. Stresses can be concentrated at any number of points, such as sharp edges, discontinuities or pre-existing cracks. When the stresses reach a critical value, a crack will be initiated and can rapidly propagate, leading to failure and debond. The site or locus of failure can be at any one of the following:
Cohesive within the bracket;
Adhesive at the bracket base/bonding agent interface;
Cohesive within the bonding/banding agent;
Adhesive at the enamel surface/bonding agent interface;
Cohesive within the enamel;
Mixed mode, ie combinations of the above.
Which locus of failure is the most desirable will now be discussed by considering each in turn.
Cohesive bracket failure
Bracket failure is related to the force applied during bracket removal, along with the condition and the design of the bracket.3,4 Although metal brackets may deform at debond, cohesive failure of the bracket is unlikely to occur. Occasionally, the bond pad peels off and remains on the tooth, but there are no reported studies in the literature describing this as a common event. By contrast, this type of bond failure is more of a problem when it comes to ceramic brackets. Ceramic brackets are brittle in nature, with a low fracture toughness (fracture toughness is a measure of a material's ability to resist fracture),5 some 20 to 40 times less than that of stainless steel in tension5,6,7(3.0–5.3 mPa√m compared with 80–95 mPa√m.5,8 This means that cohesive failure is much more likely to occur within a ceramic bracket when subjected to tensile stress, which might occur inadvertently at debond.
Whereas ceramic brackets will deform less than 1% before failing, metal brackets will deform by up to 20% before failing.5 The rigid and brittle nature of the ceramic bracket in combination with an underlying brittle substrate, namely the enamel, results in a poor environment for the absorption of stress during debonding and an increased risk of either bracket or enamel failure occuring at debond.6,9
The two most important features that affect the strength of the bracket are the design of the archwire slot and the tie wing. High torsion in the slot, with large rectangular wires, can lead to fracture most commonly at the tie-wings. It has also been observed that applied stresses, for example during debond, tend to concentrate at the incisal portion of the base of the bracket, again radiating to the incisal tie-wings, which can then lead to bracket failure.10,11 In addition, the presence of surface flaws, such as pits or scratches, can lead to crack propagation, which may ultimately result in the bracket fracturing. Scratches may arise from something as simple as a misplaced instrument and so care should be taken to avoid scratching ceramic brackets during use.
If cohesive bracket failure does occur at debond, particularly in the case of ceramic brackets, the following are of concern:
The ceramic requires removal along with the underlying adhesive, which will increase the enamel clean-up time;
A high speed diamond bur will be required to remove the remainder of the bracket and it can be difficult to differentiate between the bracket, the adhesive and the enamel;
Removal of the fractured ceramic can, in turn, lead to a potential increased risk of exposure of the patient and operator to inhalation or ingestion of the ceramic fragments and dust;12
The brittle nature of the ceramic and the degree of force that is applied during debond can result in very sudden fracture of the ceramic bracket and large pieces may be inhaled/swallowed by the patient, or may have the ability to injure the operator.4
Adhesive failure at the bracket/bonding agent interface
The most common locus of bond failure is adhesive between the bracket base and the bonding agent, particularly with metal brackets where a tensile peel force is used to debond the brackets. Failure at this site minimizes the risk of enamel failure, but does increase the time required to remove the residual adhesive.13 However, depending upon the method chosen, the process of removal of the residual adhesive can still result in potential enamel damage.
Cohesive within the bonding agent
Similar to adhesive failure at the bracket/bonding agent interface, cohesive failure within the bonding agent also minimizes the risk of enamel failure at debond. Unlike adhesive failure at the bracket/bonding agent interface, there will be much less residual adhesive to remove following bracket removal and, hopefully, less risk to the enamel at final clean-up.
Adhesive failure at the bonding agent/enamel interface
Most orthodontic bonding is carried out using the acid-etch technique and composite resin-based bonding agents, with mechanical adhesion or a mechanical interlock between the two. As a result, purely adhesive failure at the bonding agent/enamel surface is very unlikely to occur. Instead, what is more likely is that, as the tags of adhesive tear out of the roughened enamel surface, some of the enamel will also fracture and be removed with the adhesive, even though macroscopically failure appears to be at the enamel surface.14,15
Cohesive enamel failure
Unlike metal brackets, which can only bond to the adhesive by mechanical means, ceramic brackets can bond to composite resin-bonding agents either mechanically, chemically or a combination of the two. It is with ceramic brackets, particularly those that rely on chemical adhesion, that there is the greatest risk of cohesive enamel failure at debond7,15 (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Cohesive enamel failure following debond of a ceramic bracket.
With the early ceramic brackets, the bonding base was smooth and adhesion to the bonding resin was purely chemical, via the use of an intermediate silane coupling agent. The fact that there were few stress-raising areas on such smooth bracket bases, and that the layer of bonding resin is likely to be thin and relatively homogeneous, means that stresses applied at debond are most likely to be concentrated at any areas of surface roughness or imperfection within the enamel. Although this increases the potential risk of enamel failure at debond, it is not a universal finding with the use of silane-coated ceramic brackets.16
Mixed mode of failure
As the name suggests, here the locus of bond failure is a mixture of adhesive and cohesive failure, for example adhesive at the bracket/bonding agent interface, cohesive within the bonding agent and adhesive at the bonding agent/enamel interface. This mixed mode of failure is very common and can be observed by the often varied adhesive remnant index (ARI) scores reported in clinical trials and laboratory investigations looking at bond failure.17 The locus of bond failure will not only depend on the bracket/bonding agent combination and the condition of the enamel surface, but also the technique of bracket removal.3,4
Methods of bracket removal
Metal brackets
Metal brackets are usually removed using specially designed debonding pliers and can either be removed by squeezing under the tie-wings at the bracket stem, or by squeezing the bracket base close to the enamel surface. In both cases, a shear peel force is applied. Alternatively, lift-off pliers can be used. This is a plastic instrument with a wire loop that hooks under the tie-wings of the bracket. As the handles are squeezed so the loop applies a tensile peel force to the bracket with the plier head itself resting against the enamel surface. Indeed, work by Oliver,18 investigating the use of either debonding pliers or ligature cutters beneath the tie-wings or at the bracket base, found that there was an increased risk of enamel damage with the use of ligature cutters or other instruments at the bracket base. The enamel surface could end up being gouged.19 Instead, they recommended removal by applying a force just beneath the tie-wings using debonding pliers or by applying a tensile force using lift-off pliers. Using this method of bracket removal, the resultant mode of failure tends to leave more residual bonding agent on the enamel surface,17 but reduces the risk of enamel fracture. This would appear to be supported by the work of Bennett et al,19 who investigated the stress patterns created within the enamel during bracket removal. They found that forces applied to the outer wing of the bracket resulted in the least amount of stress to the enamel surface. Conversely, any force applied to the base of the bracket resulted in stress created and concentrated at the enamel surface which, as might be expected, could result in the locus on bond failure being at the adhesive-enamel interface or cohesive in the enamel.
Ceramic brackets
The composition of all currently available ceramic brackets is based upon aluminium oxide and this can be present in one of two forms, namely monocrystalline or polycrystalline alumina. The most significant difference between the two types of material is their optical clarity, with the monocrystalline brackets being more translucent due to the lack of grain boundaries.20,21 However, it is the polycrystalline variety that tends to be more widely available owing to their relative ease of manufacture6,7 (Figure 2). The chemically inert nature of ceramic brackets, although making them relatively stable within the oral environment, does also mean that they are unable to form direct chemical bonds with resin adhesives,20,22,23 unlike some polymeric brackets, unless an intermediate silane coupling agent is used.
Figure 2. Polycrystalline ceramic bracket with metal slot line.
Bonding therefore occurs either by mechanical adhesion, chemical adhesion via a silane coupling agent, or a combination of the two. Examples of the types of mechanical interlock on the bracket base include dovetails, balls and/or dimples. To facilitate the use of a silane, glass is added to the aluminium oxide base so that the silane bonds to both the glass of the ceramic and the glass filler particles in the adhesive.21 The bond produced is very strong and the force required to remove the bracket has been found to be significantly greater than that required to remove stainless steel brackets.7,24,25,26,27,28 As a result, a number of methods of ceramic bracket removal have been suggested since their introduction.
Whichever method is used, it is important that any adhesive flash is removed from the periphery of the bracket with a debonding bur before attempting to debond. This is because the presence of such flash, known as a spew fillet, reduces stress concentration at the margins of the joint29 and, instead, may promote unwanted bond failure elsewhere. For example, it may occur cohesively in the bracket or enamel, rather than adhesively at the interface of either with the bonding agent.
The idea of promoting a site of stress arising in order to make bracket removal easier and more predictable resulted in the introduction of the Clarity bracket by 3M Unitek. This bracket has a vertical notch between the tie-wings that promotes failure, initially within the ceramic. The crack then propagates through the centre of the bracket and then along the bracket/bonding agent interface, well away from the enamel.
Methods of ceramic bracket removal
Debonding pliers
These are routinely used for debonding metal brackets and come in a variety of forms, but principally comprise two blades that can be placed either beneath the bracket tie-wings, or at the adhesive close to the enamel surface (Figure 3). A study by Zarrinia et al,13 investigating the use of Howes pliers, debonding pliers and ligature cutters for the removal of ceramic brackets, reported that bracket-removing pliers provided the most consistent bond failure at the bracket/adhesive interface, leaving the resin intact on the enamel surface. A further study by Arici and Minors30 investigated the in vitro force levels required to debond polycrystalline ceramic brackets using debonding pliers with different types of blades, including wide, narrow and pointed. The study was conducted using standardized techniques within the laboratory and found that the predominant locus of bond failure was at the bracket/adhesive interface, with no visible enamel damage. Their main conclusions were ‘that force required to initiate the debond of ceramic brackets is related to the contact area between the tips of the pliers and adhesive, and that this can be minimized, either by using pointed plier tips or by changing the direction of application of the force to diagonally opposite corners of the bracket’.
Figure 3. Debond of a ceramic bracket (with metal slot line).
Specific ceramic bracket debonding instruments have been introduced by various manufacturers over the years, with early instruments applying either a tensile force or, in one instance, a rotational shearing force. However, not only can their use lead to failure of the ceramic bracket or, worse still, fracture of the enamel,7,22 but there have been reports that the sudden and unpredictable bracket failure could also result in an inhalation injury.3,4 The forces generated by these instruments were also sufficiently high to cause considerable patient discomfort during use.
Electrothermal debonding
Using this method of removal, the bracket is heated using an electrothermal debonder, whilst simultaneously applying a tensile force to remove the bracket from the tooth.7,31,32 For this to work, sufficient heat needs to penetrate to the bracket/adhesive interface. Once the temperature exceeds the glass transition temperature of the adhesive, the bracket can be gently peeled away from the tooth13(the glass transition temperature (Tg) being the temperature at which the adhesive, a polymer, changes from a hard glassy state to a more viscous state).
Although the electrothermal debonder is expensive, a study by Bishara and Truelove,4 found it to be a quick and effective method of ceramic bracket removal, with a mimimal risk of bracket or enamel fracture. There is the potential to use this system when debonding stainless steel brackets, although debonding these brackets with conventional debonding pliers is fairly easy to accomplish and with minimal risk to the enamel. For metal brackets the cost of the electrothermal debonder does not outweigh the benefits of its use.
Even with ceramic brackets there are potential problems associated with this technique, principally the bulky nature of the handpiece, which can be difficult to use in the intra-oral environment, and the heat that is generated which can increase the intra-pulpal temperature, leading to pulpal inflammation.33 If the operator is careless with the instrument, then there is also the potential to cause damage to the surrounding soft tissues.13 In the study by Bishara and Trulove,4 comparing conventional debonding techniques, ultrasonic and electrothermal debonding, they found that the conventional debonding technique led to a greater percentage of ceramic bracket failure when compared to electrothermal debonding or the use of an ultrasonic scaler.
Ultrasonic scaler
Using this technique, bond failure is reported to occur principally at the enamel-adhesive interface. The ultrasonic scaler has customized tips that are applied at the bracket/adhesive interface, which is said to reduce the risk of enamel damage since very low debonding forces are involved.3,4 The same instrument can also be used to remove the remaining adhesive following bracket removal. However, there are also disadvantages with this technique. It takes significantly longer to remove the brackets than with conventional debonding,3,4 as it must be preceded by composite flash removal, making the whole process more uncomfortable for the patient. It also leads to rapid wear of the customized tips, particularly when used with ceramic brackets.
Laser-aided debonding
Here the bracket is irradiated on its labial surface by a laser, generating heat that is transmitted to the resin-based adhesive, resulting in softening when the glass transition temperature is exceeded. Therefore, it works in a similar manner to the electrothermal debonder. There have been reports that this technique reduces the risk of enamel damage,7,34,35 with no evidence of enamel tear-outs or bracket fracture.35 However, early research into the use of dental lasers showed that laser irraditation generated too much heat, resulting in pulpal damage.35,36,37,38 Improvements in understanding and advances in laser technology have resulted in a decrease in undesirable thermal effects,35,39 but the cost of the equipment and the time taken to perform the debond has resulted in a limited uptake and use of this technique.
Debonding agents
Peppermint oil can plasticize the resin component of composite bonding agents and has been suggested as a method of simplifying ceramic bracket debond.7 Although it has been shown to promote bond failure and therefore make it easier to remove ceramic brackets, to have a significant effect the oil has to be left in place for a very long time, up to an hour. Leaving it in place for just 5 minutes has been found to have little effect on ease of bracket removal.40 The most probable reason for the somewhat disappointing results with peppermint oil is the thin bond line, and therefore the very small surface area of adhesive exposed at the periphery of the bracket to the oil. Other disadvantages of this technique include the cost of the material and the fact that peppermint oil can be traumatic to the soft tissues.
Band removal
It is commonplace to use bands on posterior teeth rather than bonds. These are often cemented using a glass polyalkenoate cement (eg Ketac cement, 3M ESPE) or, more recently, a light-cured compomer cement, which is command set with the ability to release fluoride (eg TransbondTM Plus light cure band adhesive, 3M Unitek) cement. Bands are then removed using specific debanding pliers followed by enamel clean-up.
Methods of bonding agent removal
Following bracket removal it is important to remove the remaining adhesive with minimal damage to the underlying enamel surface, in a timely and efficient manner. There are a number of ways in which this can be performed and each carries differing degrees of risk. Enamel loss should be differentiated from enamel surface roughness when investigating bonding agent removal. Almost all studies that are discussed within the literature focus on enamel loss rather than the surface roughness of the enamel. The techniques which can be deployed are now described.
Diamond bur
It has been suggested that a diamond bur in a high-speed handpiece, under water coolant, can be used for enamel clean-up at debond; the water coolant being necessary to avoid potential thermal damage to the pulp. In a study by Eliades et al,41 they include a description of the mechanism of action of a diamond bur. As the bur rotates, large tensile stresses are created in the near surface region, resulting in brittle fracture of the surface and creation of grooves.41,42 The nature of this cutting mechanism generally suggests that the bur is designed to be used on more brittle surfaces, for example, enamel, ceramic or hard alloys. Orthodontists, because of the increased potential for enamel damage, do not generally use diamond burs in enamel clean-up. Other workers have also cautioned against the use of a diamond bur for adhesive removal owing to the increased risk of excessive enamel loss/damage.13,43,44
Notwithstanding the adverse effects to the enamel surface, there is also the risk of particulate inhalation which will be discussed later (see ‘Particulate production’).
Tungsten carbide bur: plain cut or spiral fluted
This is the most common method of adhesive removal at debond and these burs can be used in both slow-and high-speed handpieces. In the case of the slow-speed handpiece, this can be with or without water coolant. Care must be taken because carbide burs are harder then enamel and, as such, if run at high speed, damage can be caused to the underlying enamel.13,45,46 A study by Oliver and Griffiths47 rated the tungsten carbide bur as the ‘gold standard’ for bonding agent removal. Its use creates high shearing forces within the bonding agent between the blades of the bur and the tooth surface, resulting in plastic ploughing of the surface, with flow driven and subsequent brittle fracture of the material. The eight-bladed tungsten carbide has been shown to be the superior method of removal of bonding adhesive when compared with manual removal using a scaler, various other fluted tungsten carbide burs, Soflex discs, special composite finishing systems and ultrasonic scalers.41
In a later study, Hosein et al48 compared four methods of adhesive removal:
A spiral-fluted tungsten carbide bur in a high-speed handpiece;
A spiral-fluted tungsten carbide bur in a slow-speed handpiece;
An ultrasonic scaler; and
Debanding pliers for the removal of two different bonding agents: a resin-modified glass polyalkenoate cement or a conventional light-cured filled diacrylate.
They found that the least enamel loss was seen with either the slow-speed tungsten carbide bur or the debanding pliers. Equally, and of concern, was the finding that the greatest enamel loss was observed when a tungsten carbide bur was run in a high-speed handpiece. This contradicts the findings of Zarrinia et al13 where enamel clean-up with a high-speed tungsten carbide bur was recommended. Although Hosein et al48 found enamel loss to be low with the debanding pliers, on closer inspection the enamel surface showed distinct evidence of surface scratches and surface gouging and so this instrument was not recommended for adhesive removal.
Within orthodontic practice the spiral-fluted tungsten carbide bur remains the safest and hence most common method of enamel clean-up following debond. However, in addition to the least enamel loss, the use of this bur in a slow-speed handpiece is to be recommended over its use in a high-speed handpiece. This is because the use of the high-speed handpiece increases the level of potentially hazardous inhalable particulates (see ‘Particulate production’).
Ultrasonic scaler
As discussed earlier, an ultrasonic scaler can be used not only to debond orthodontic brackets, but can also be used to remove the bonding agent. However, there is some conflicting evidence as to the possible risks of enamel damage with its use. Whilst some studies suggest that using an ultrasonic scaler is less likely to result in damage to the enamel,48,49 others have reported greater degrees of enamel loss when compared with the use of a tungsten carbide bur in a slow-speed handpiece.48 Other potential disadvantages of the use of an ultrasonic scaler for enamel clean-up is the time it takes and the wear of the ultrasonic tips, as previously described.
Hand scaler or bond/band removers
The use of these instruments can lead to the use of excessive force, resulting in gouging of the enamel surface.43,45
Polishing systems
There has been some suggestion that polishing systems alone can be used to remove the bonding agent following debond. These systems usually comprise rubber points and/or brushes with a prophylactic polishing paste. However, in reality what can happen is that any bonding agent remaining on the tooth surface is essentially polished and, although less noticeable, is still present.50 The enamel surface index was used in a study by Zachrisson and Arthun,43 to assess the condition of the enamel following removal of bonding adhesive. Polishing instruments scored well according to the index, but again this was thought to be due to large amounts of bonding adhesive still found present on the enamel surface.43 This is supported by the work of Hong and Lew44 who found them to be inefficient at removing bonding adhesive, leaving a polished bonding adhesive surface as opposed to a smooth enamel surface.
The most common place for polishing during enamel clean-up is following removal using a tungsten carbide bur. A study by Eliades et al41 found that the sequential use of multiple polishing tools (soflex discs) was not consistent in producing a roughness-reducing effect, whether the initial clean-up had been with a diamond bur or 8-fluted tungsten carbide bur.
Enamel loss at debond
The degree of enamel loss at debond will depend a great deal on the bracket material used and the method of debond and can vary from almost zero48 to as high as 149.87 μm.49 In addition to the overall loss, there is also concern that it is the uppermost layer of enamel, with its high mineral content and greatest concentration of fluoride, that is being lost, leaving the remaining enamel more prone to demineralization.41,51
Surface roughness of the enamel
The surface roughness of intra-oral hard surfaces is of clinical importance in the process of bacterial retention;52 specifically marked scratches and grooves have been found to contribute to the following: plaque accumulation, staining, odour and consequently demineralization due to the activity of bacteria on the tooth surface.43,50In vivo studies assessing plaque formation on polymer strips, one side being smooth (with a surface roughness (Ra) of 0.1 μm) and the other half rough (Ra >2 μm), have found that surface roughening resulted in a four-fold increase in plaque formation.53,54 It has been suggested that an Ra of greater than 0.2 μm is the threshold surface roughness for bacterial accumulation. At values above this level, it is likely that an increase in plaque accumulation will be seen.52
Particulate production
The process of debonding and enamel clean-up will result in the production of particulates and visible dust clouds through the production of aerosols, splatter and dust.55,56 Some of these will have the potential to be inhaled and deposited within the respiratory system. This system is exposed to billions of such particles each day and, in most instances, it effectively filters them from the body. Where a particle is deposited within the respiratory system and how effectively it is filtered out will depend on a number of factors, including the aerodynamic diameter of the particles and the health of the individual. The aerodynamic diameter of any particle is the way it behaves rather than its true diameter and is dependent on its size, shape and density. Therefore, a large diameter particle may behave in the same way as a much smaller particle, and vice versa.
The particulate sizes associated with orthodontic debond and enamel clean-up are within the inhalable fraction of particles released within the air12,55,56 and may be small enough to end up in the bronchioles and terminal alveoli of the lung.56 Whereas the larger particles, greater than 5 μm in aerodynamic diameter, will be cleared from the respiratory system via the mucociliary escalator, particles less than 2.5 μm will be beyond this escalator and may only be removed by the alveolar macrophages. This can take much longer, days, weeks or months, and, in some cases, can cause inflammation and long-term scarring.12
As well as the size of the particles, it is also worth considering their composition. Those created during debond and enamel clean-up may contain calcium, phosphorus, silica, aluminium, iron and tungsten. The calcium and phosphorus are thought to be from the enamel, the silica and aluminium from the filler particles of the bonding agent, the iron from the handpiece and the tungsten from the debonding bur.12,55
In addition to a qualitative analysis of the particles, Johnston et al12 also performed a quantitative analysis of the particles produced at debond of both metal and ceramic brackets, and with both slow- and high-speed handpiece use at clean-up.
Owing to the known risk of fracture of ceramic brackets at debond, fracture was simulated by removal of the ceramic brackets using a diamond fissure bur in a high-speed handpiece with water coolant, followed by enamel clean-up using a slow-speed handpiece and a tungsten carbide bur run dry. It was found that a stimulated fracture of the ceramic brackets and their removal with the diamond bur resulted in the production of a significantly higher concentration of particulates compared to the debond and clean-up with metal brackets.
The concentration of particles produced at enamel clean-up will also depend on the handpiece used. A high-speed handpiece with water coolant and a tungsten carbide bur produces significantly more and smaller particles than a slow-speed handpiece with a tungsten carbide bur run dry12 (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Dust particles produced when performing enamel clean-up.
With the above in mind, there have been measures suggested to attempt to reduce the exposure of the patient, clinician and support staff to these dust clouds through the use of high volume evacuation, rubber dam, facemasks and low volume saliva ejection. The use of a facemask has been shown to reduce the concentration of respirable particulates detected dramatically by 96%.12 Although not as good, the high volume evacuation still demonstrated a 43.5% reduction in particulates when using a slow-speed dry tungsten carbide bur and 25% reduction when using a high-speed tungsten carbide bur with water cooling.12 Despite these measures, no single method is totally successful and consequently particulates are likely to be inhaled.
Future developments – freeze casting
As can be seen, most of the difficulties at orthodontic debond centre around the use of ceramic brackets which, in their current form, have probably reached their performance limits. Ideally, an aesthetic bracket should be tough, with a hard surface, be less prone to tensile failure and yet be easy to remove at the end of treatment. In other words, it should behave like a metal bracket and yet look like a ceramic bracket. The only way this might be achieved is by considering new manufacturing processes, allowing a material to be characterized and tailored for a specific purpose. One approach in the quest to design new and structurally superior materials is to mimic the architecture of natural biological materials and structures (biomimicry). Nature successfully combines readily available compounds, that alone generally exhibit poor macroscale mechanical properties, to produce mechanically sound materials suitable for the task in hand. For example, brittle biological ceramics are combined with compliant macromolecules to produce composites, such as bone or tooth dentine, that are far stronger and tougher than could be expected from the simple sum of their individual components.57
The development of freeze casting technology, also known as ice-templating, is a possible solution to the production of the next generation of aesthetic orthodontic brackets. This process enables synthetic materials to mimic natural structural designs and can be produced on a large scale within a realistic timeframe. Freeze casting is described as the ‘templating of porous structures by the solidification of a solvent’58 and the process of freeze casting ceramics involves four basic ingredients:59
Ceramic powder;
Functional additives;
Processing additives.
The way in which this works is that a slurry of ceramic micro- or nanoparticles, suspended within a liquid solvent, usually water, is first created. In addition, aqueous solvents, binders and dispersants are also added (the functional and processing additives). This slurry is then freeze cast across a temperature controlled gradient between two cooling plates, using a custom-built freeze casting machine (Figure 5). It is along this temperature gradient that ice crystals are formed within the ceramic slurry, beginning at one of the cooling plates, creating a graduated material. Once created, the freeze cast ceramic slurry in its mould is then placed within a freeze drier. This results in evaporation of the ice crystals60,61,62 from the solid state to produce a vapour, revealing pores within the freeze-dried ceramic and which are a replica of the original solvent crystals.58 At this stage, the structure formed is very fragile and brittle and so requires sintering before use. Following sintering in an oven at high temperature, the final ceramic is a custom-made porous structure that can be infiltrated with a variety of materials, including molten metal or polymers, depending upon their intended application.
Figure 5. Custom-built freeze casting apparatus.
If successfully infiltrated with a resin phase, this novel material could be considered for use in aesthetic brackets. In theory, it should be possible to produce a graduated hybrid ceramic that is almost 100% ceramic on one surface (Figure 6) and 100% resin at another surface (Figure 7), and with all other permutations in between. In this way, the desirable properties of ceramic brackets, such as good aesthetics, high abrasion resistance, low creep and an inert surface that will be unaffected by the oral environment, can be retained, whilst simultaneously creating a bonding surface that can chemically bond to the adhesive and is easy to remove at debond. Previous attempts to produce hybrid brackets have centred on the addition of a thin polycarbonate laminar mesh to the bonding base of an otherwise standard ceramic bracket. Although this has been shown to reduce the risk of enamel fracture in vitro, it does have disadvantages, the most evident being premature delamination of the polymer base during clinical use.9,63,64,65
Figure 6. Microscopic image x10 magnification of a hybrid material.Figure 7. Microscopic image x10 magnification of a hybrid material.
It can be seen that there are many potential risks associated with debonding and enamel clean-up of orthodontic fixed appliances, some of which are of greater concern than others. These risks centre around enamel damage and unwanted particulate production and the risks are potentially greater with ceramic than with metal brackets, and with the use of a high-speed handpiece rather than a slow-speed handpiece.
Whichever bracket, debonding method and enamel clean-up technique is used, every effort should be made to minimize the risks. For the enamel this means using a slow-speed handpiece with a tungsten carbide bur run dry. For the operator, assistant and patient the use of a facemask or high volume evacuation is to be recommended. For the future, there is the possibility of new developments in bracket production through techniques such as freeze casting