Grant T McIntyre
Consultant Orthodontist and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Dundee Dental Hospital and School, 2 Park Place, Dundee, DD1 4HR, UK
Finishing and detailing with the pre-adjusted edgewise labial fixed appliance: the why, the what and the how
Joey DonovanThe current advice with regard to finishing and detailing has been presented, with pointers to what is relevant in relation to aesthetics, function and stability. Comprehensive checklists have been...
Diagnosis and management of tooth size discrepancies in orthodontic patients
TP McSwineyAn anterior or overall TSD may influence dental aesthetics and the occlusion. This may arise from spacing or crowding in the dental arch, centre-line discrepancies of greater than 2 mm2 and difficulty...
A new dimension in managing the troublesome transmigratory canine
Karen ShawCone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has been available for imaging the craniofacial region for around ten years. In comparison with conventional CT, which acquires data as a series of 'slices' using...